
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Reproducing the Glass Bottles for the Cabinet of Curiosities

Usually I would write about ten blog posts for a huge story like this, but I decided to do a video that I would be able to post in a few places.  

The bottles for embroidered caskets are ready and are now on sale for those who have been making an embroidered cabinet.  It has been a very long process and I hope as interesting as the inkwells were too!  There is history mixed in as well - especially for those of you who aren't as familiar with 17th century caskets.  

If you are interested in making one (and getting a bottle or two in it), my two project courses are still registering right now with the last of the caskets.  Each come with the bottle(s) it needs in the kit. 

The Harmony with Nature Casket and the Four Seasons Double Casket Project Course

Friday, August 7, 2020

17th Century Whitework Sampler Online Course

I put together a video showing close ups of several antique whitework samplers to discuss the current online university 17th century whitework sampler course.

I have currently 14 kits in hand for those who want to join the course - especially those who have run through a few of their older projects while in this period of social distancing.  There will be 50 more spots later when supplies reach me again.

In general, supplies are seriously, seriously difficult to get at the moment.  I think through the end of the year I will only be able to offer those projects where I already have the items today.  Those include:

14 - 17th century Whitework Sampler spots

112 - Harmony in Nature Casket Course spots (end of run)

11 - Four Senses Casket Project Course spots (end of run)

24 - Stuart Silk Purl Flower Course spots (end of run)

That is pretty small inventory and three of those courses will be the last of them!  So if you are thinking about your Fall/Winter stitching, you might want to get what you are interested in.

I am working on getting some of my lectures ready to post as well, but that means I have to negotiate image rights with every museum represented and it is taking a few weeks for each because they aren't in the office, are usually the only person that was brought back in the department from furlow and I was told that their work load is up because all professors are writing papers during this period.  :-)  So it will take awhile.