
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Quilts in Color Exhibit at MFA Boston

While visiting stumpwork over the last year, I have been watching a nice exhibit shape up in the textile department at the MFA Boston.  Based around the Pilgrim-Roy collection of quilts, it explores color in quilting.

The exciting thing is that there is a book! Written by Pam Parmel and Jen Swope.  Jen is a great friend - our oldest have been going to school together for years and so it was fun to do drop off and then run into the museum together over the years.  She is wonderful and 'thinks different', often seeing connections between things that most do not.  I am looking forward to reading her writing on the collection.

The exhibit will be on display from April 6th - July 27th, 2014. Even if you can't get there, a host of lovely interactive videos, etc are on the website to enjoy!


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