Many of you are aware of the beautiful blackwork jacket that has been made for the staged Wedding of Pocahontas at Jamestown in April. While there are pictures of the finished jacket out there, I haven't seen any on embroidery sites so I thought I would re-post a few now that the wedding is over.
I am really hopping that Jamestown displays the jacket so people can see it during visits to the site (It was and maybe is at their museum onsite - saw it on the Facebook page). They do have a nice
webpage to visit talking about the wedding.

If you want to see some really great photos of the back room when they were getting dressed for the event, click on this
Washington Post site and go through the gallery. What I REALLY loved was the picture of Brenda Rousseau (picture 11) helping Wendy Taylor get dressed in the jacket. Brenda led the effort at Colonial Williamsburg to embroider and fabricate the jacket and deserved to be on the front page of the Washington Post for the enormously successful effort she made to get the jacket done in three months. Brenda (who is now hopefully on a three month vacation!) did an amazing job, and I know you will think so too!
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