This was a post today from the Sampler Consortium and after reading the article, it seemed a good thing to repost. A sampler by "Charlotte Turner, Liberated African" is now in the collection of the Seattle Art Museum after a donation by Ruth Nutt, a collector of embroidery and other art objects.
Through the announcement of the donation, a reporter became interested in the description of an 1831 (pre-civil war) liberated African making a sampler at 10 and wanted to know more. So she went on a fact finding mission which is at odds with the history that others want to ascribe to the object (many want the piece to be an American sampler). It is an interesting written perspective from someone who has no previous work in the sampler field, and highlights as well the difficulties that museums have with interpretation and wishes for an object.
Read the article here
Thank you for sharing this! I'm going to share it with everyone because it is such an important story that really should be retold.