Friday, July 14, 2017

They are Here!

Packing the frostings boxes in process!
For those in the know, you know that the Frostings Boxes were delayed as the first printing was done wrong and it took an extra four weeks to redo it all.  Ugh.

The boxes arrived a full day early and so we were packing and making labels until the wee hours last night!  1/3 of the boxes went out this morning - I am very excited!!  I have a big workforce of robot kids arriving in minutes and we expect to maybe even finish today!  So be on the watch for those exciting threads.


  1. I am so excited to get my next shipment!

  2. So Excited! -- Oh, and I love the view from your window!

  3. Ah yes. The port-o-potty. The work on our house never ends. Nine months now. Since we moved in, only six months without contractors in three years.

  4. You're so clever, the design is hidden in the shadow. The surprise shall remain a secret. GP

  5. Mine arrived this morning.Loving the contents.

  6. Very exciting! just got my notification of a parcel - although I don't expect it to be able to show anything for a few days yet... best if I can ignore it for at least a week - even better if I can ignore it completely & just be delightfully surprised when they arrive.

  7. I am excited. Mine is due the day before my birthday. I think I will wait to open it on Tuesday morning and start the day off right.
