The New Frostings Box! |
So this is the spoiler alert - if you are waiting for your box and don't want to know what is inside the box - don't read any farther! Come back later!!
The Frostings Session 2 box contains six different thread types. It expands and finishes the color line of the Tiny Silk Purls with the addition of five red family colors, three purples and two blues. This brings the entire color line up to 40 colors!! So we have a great set of medium sized purls and a wonderful set of tiny purls to select from depending on our project needs and scale.
Tiny Silk Purls in ten colors |
For those who want to do stump work and use a wire edge to your motifs, you know how painful it is to either wrap a piece of wire with silk or spend all your time doing a buttonhole stitch around the edge to cover the silver wire. If there just was a wire that was
already covered in silk!! Well now there is! I have chosen seven colors to have made as silk covered wires that just disappear in your detached work - easy to cut and put down as a scaffold and then do your needlelace and no more extra work. It is included in the Frostings box in: a red, pink, yellow,
yellow green, dark green, blue and purple.
Seven colors of silk wrapped wire |
Looking for an alternate to braiding your own tiny strings for purses or edgings? The Frostings box has a new round braid with either gold or silver in the braid. Included this time in red or black in each of the two metal variants. They will be so useful for blackwork or redwork projects. I already have one Frostings project underway to use one for you - watch for it in August!
Red and Black silk braids with gold or silver |
And we have a new gimp thread for couching down. Crinkle Gimp is a thin gimp that has been wrapped with a second gimp to make it more bumpy. It can be sewn through the fabric if you use a big enough eyed needle. I love this for making clouds, grass, or water as well as giving the fuzzy look of feathers. It is extremely variable because wrapping one gimp with another can have the second gimp squish or expand as the machine spools. If you like it more smooth or bumpy, run your fingernail one way or another to compact or pull out the
Crinkle Gimp |
overwrap to give it the look you want.
The last two threads are related, silk covered plate which I see on stump work all the time. This is the 11S size of gilt plate and it is covered in three different greens to make a smooth and bendable covering. Use it for grass and couch it down with gimp or purls to make amazing patterns that are textured, contrasting the threads against the smooth silk plate. And once you have silk covered plate, you can make crenelated plate! This is just the coolest thread and I have been getting emails from people who want more of it in the greens or more colors!
Crenelated Silk Wrapped plate in three green colors |
There will be projects in the early fall and these threads are currently part of the Harmony with
Nature Casket Stitch Along as well.
About 160 of the kits are still available.
Silk wrapped 11S plate in three green colors |