Friday, December 1, 2023

Flosstube and Travels with Tricia on YouTube

 I have finally done it and joined the world of FlossTube.  It wasn't that I didn't want to - that was just the time dedicated to my kids and robot team.  And truthfully there wasn't a space in my house to film anything without some chaos walking by and disrupting me.  Who wants to watch me talk about embroidery and hear "MOM!" in the background.  And my husband looses me in the house all the time and either texts me to come down from my office while I am out at some appointment (didn't you know I wasn't home?!) or stands at the top or bottom of staircases yelling "Trish??" when he needs something.  Not conducive to recording without frustration.  

Finally in the Fall it has been quiet as all the kids graduated so no team anymore.  We cleared out and sold the parts and suddenly I realized that the area we would film robot videos was perfect for me to film things that have been on my mind.  So I asked for a 'youtube studio' for my birthday.  That meant a dedicated set up where the equipment was decent and not used for anything else and I could do overthead tutorials with out the camera hitting me in the face or show things, etc.  My oldest son is a total camera nerd and so he jumped at the chance.  We mom's know how to get what we want done.  He spent weeks doing it and teaching me how to run stuff/testing. 

Now there was a little ulterior motive. The wall now is blank as the robot banners have been removed and my husband was making a lot of noise about it being returned to the dude pad he was envisioning.  And all I saw was a huge wall for samplers.  It needs painting from robot damage so there is a quilt hanging on our former booth stand right now.  But I think he is loosing the war.  He replaced the TV across from my studio last week in a move of defiance.  But he needs small victories.  So you all have to watch these so I have the justification to permanently hang samplers. 

Well, I added in the idea of a good outdoor microphone that would allow me to record while on the move.  I am always traveling to a museum or seeing a collection or something related to manufacturing for embroidery and I thought many of you would like to come on my trips.  Years ago I ran three special subject tours to see 17th century embroidery related to the jackets and caskets.  They were absolutely amazing but the seats were limited.  After covid, it has been harder to get into collections with groups of people as museums seem to still be on the conservative end of gatherings.  And the recent EGA conference in Boston was plagued by covid passed in the classrooms.  So maybe right now - being a little bird on my shoulder might be fun for some!

So I am announcing my first "Travel with Tricia" Flosstube on my newly redesigned YouTube Channel.  There are some dozen in the pipeline right now filmed on location and today I am on the train to another location.  

The first one has some introduction on my stitching journey and goals of my video series before I launch into a virtual visit for everyone to the 400th Anniversary of the Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers Exhibition at GuildHall.  It was a mind-blowing array of gold thread embroidery and not only did I film - the Master of the company encouraged me to do so.  So if you can't make it to London before the recently extended exhibition closes on December 31st, get a cup of tea and watch!   And subscribe as more is coming...


  1. I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to more. Thank you

  2. Hooray! I watch very little Flosstube (Katie obviously) but am always looking for more that I can really get into, and this is welcome news!

  3. Wonderful!! Thank you.

  4. I was wondering if you were still involved in the robots, even though your boys are now in college. Sometimes the former leaders of such activities get pulled back in for their experience.
    So far, I've not watched much Flosstube. I don't need any more temptation to buy more patterns that I'll most likely never get done. But I can get behind some eye candy from places I'll never get to, and good tutorials. I'm going to watch yours! And Katie's.
    How nice to finally have a good recording setup of your very own. I hope the vision of things not getting borrowed for use elsewhere comes true!

    1. Hi Gail - yes I am still somewhat involved in the robots. There is a rule that coaches and kids have to be out of it for 3 years before serving in certain capacities (judges, etc) and that is good. And truthfully I need a break. But I have been helping the organizers in our state in the ways that they really need that I am uniquely specialized to do - like training new coaches and being a safe ear to discuss things. Later I know they will pull us back a little - but they said they knew we needed a little space as you can get very burnt out. Also we had become the leaders of the pack in our region and so it was good to step aside purposely to let a few other coaches take the reins and lead too - they often talk to me on the QT.

  5. Fabulous! Thank you Tricia.
