Lamp worked heads from basket at Holburne Musuem |
Last year we raised funds to help the Holburne Museum purchase a unique beaded christening basket with lamp worked figures, something most people hadn't seen before.
The heads include extra details such as the ribbonlike blue glass around the edges of the decollate of the queen, which clearly shows in profile that it was intended to be bare. The head has some damage to it as you can see in the picture.
Detail of lamp worked head of basket at Holburne Museum |
another piece has come to life at an auction at Bonham's that is of great interest! This piece is a beadwork picture on a satin and it also shows two figures, not royal, in a general positioning. The picture also features two lamp worked heads, which is why the piece is demanding between $17,000-$25,000 as a range.
The two sets of heads are remarkably similar and can be assumed to have been made by the same supplier. The woman is strikingly similar, if you look really carefully you can see the blue ribbon glass on the edges around the woman which has mostly been covered by beadwork.
It appears that the hair on the two Bonham's pieces is worked of glass. I think (but can't be sure) that the hair was originally worked of glass on the Holburne basket. This is certainly a really wonderful example of items that were produced for use on projects showing up.
Bonhams Lot 54 12 March 2014 |
Bonhams Lot 54 12 March 2014 |
Bonhams Lot 54 12 March 2014 |
Yes arent they just wonderful! The Holburne's gentleman's hair is glass, and I have a side view from the left of the ladye and there are remnants of light brown glass curls of her hair remaining to the side of her face. What made me smile about this piece, is the 'lion' in the lower right corner...which reminds me more of Sesame Street's Snuffalupigus :)