Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New Casket Pictures OnlIne

Sometimes, when the masses request enough - new pictures of embroideries end up online and viewable!  Some of our intrepid Casketeers have been trying to get more views of some spectacular embroideries and were successful in having views put in online catalogs.

There is a lovely casket at the Fitzwilliam Museum and only a very small internal picture (which was stunning) was available.  Now there are two dozen pictures!!!  Grab a cup of tea or coffee and loose yourself in this piece.  It is very 'attainable', done in tent stitch and queen stitch on the outside.  But open it up and all the drawers an sides are done in satin stitch embroidery - quite the surprise!

Thank you to the casketeer (R.K) who was knocking on the door for months hoping for a response for more pictures!!

While you are at it - enjoy this casket on their site as well!


1 comment:

  1. I will also like to add, that high resolution digital images of all are available from the Fitzwilliam library for a mere 10 pounds a piece for private study~ there should be a link to the library on the website~ ask for Emma~ she is an angel!
